Our guest for this episode is Xiaoyuan “Charlene” Ren, founder of MyH2O - Water Information Network, a platform that collects information...

Air Quality Innovations: Finding Data in the Smog
Beijing's smoggy air has sparked a wave of creativity, giving rise to a range of products that aim to protect the public and their...

垃圾是人们生产和生活消费的必然产物。近年来,中国城市和农村人们生活水平的提高对垃圾处理容量带来了巨大的挑战。垃圾处理系统就好比是家庭的卫生间,直接决定着我们的健康、卫生和生活质量。 从垃圾处理水平最高的国家和地区的经验来看,无论使用多么先进的技术来焚烧、填埋或者堆肥,源头的...

Beneath the Surface: Soil Pollution and Environmental Journalism
Soil pollution is the least-discussed of China's “big three” pollution issues of air, water and soil, and also the last of the three to...

The Public v. Pollution
Lawsuits. If you've seen the films Erin Brockovich or A Civil Action, you're probably familiar with the concept of environmental public...

Air Pollution Solutions: An End to China's Smog?
China's smoggy skies dominate international headlines and threaten public health, spurring China's top policy-makers to declare a "war on...