Plant-Forward and Backward in China
As the way China eats transforms, food activism and education are rising to address these changes. This week’s episode of Environment...
LIVE Episode! "Podcasting in the 'Jing"
This week, we have a special episode that was recorded LIVE in Beijing at an event on July 5th. Environment China hosted an evening...
Turning Smog into Diamonds: Environmental Art in China
What if we could turn smog into diamonds? This seemingly far-fetched idea is actually not so far from reality: a Dutch designer recently...
How to be Zero Waste in China
Meet Joe and Carrie, the couple spreading the zero waste gospel in China. The dynamic duo opened the first zero waste store, “The Bulk...
Our guest for this episode is Xiaoyuan “Charlene” Ren, founder of MyH2O - Water Information Network, a platform that collects information...
Healthy Diet, Healthy Planet
Through her work on the project, she realized that what we put on our plate is key to solving climate change – adopting plant-based diets...
Live! From the Bookworm! The Biggest Stories from 2017
Since Environment China launched in early 2017, there has already been significant change in China’s energy, environment, and climate...
Playing Serious Games for Policy Change
China is a country with over 600 million gamers. What if all of this game playing could lead to good? With its Serious Games Initiative,...
网购和外卖极大地便利了我们的生活,但快递包装所消耗的资源和带来的垃圾却是一场生态浩劫。本期环境中国的嘉宾余元过着一种没有网购和外卖的“原始”生活,今天她来给大家讲讲她“不剁手”的极简生活方式。 余元 (Carrie) 是一位在北京创业的武汉女孩。她酷爱户外活动,崇尚极简主义...