“十三五”煤控目标如何实现,“一带一路”建设如何促进绿色发展,是目前中国能源环境问题的两个重要焦点。华北电力大学袁家海教授作为电力经济和电力低碳转型的专家,从电力发展的角度就以上问题开展了深度研究。在这期节目中,袁教授将通过实地调研案例,与我们分享他在 “十三五”电力行业控煤政策研究以及“一带一路”绿色电力合作研究中的发现。如果希望进一步阅读相关研究成果,可以在网络上搜索《持续推进电力改革 提高可再生能源消纳》,下载这份报告。
Our guest this episode is Professor Yuan Jiahai from North China Electric Power University, an expert in electric power development and its low carbon transition. During the past few years, Prof. Yuan has done extensive research on how China's electric power development is meeting coal cap goals. He also travelled to a number of countries to research on China's green electric power cooperation with Belt and Road Initiative countries. He is very excited to share his findings with us.